Top 20 Power Ranking (HA!)

How am I gonna rank the Top 20 without seeing a regular performance show?!? Do you think I’m as crazy as I’m starting to think I am for even offering to try? Lol. I’ll have to update this tomorrow as the show goes, but I don’t think I’ll have enough time to get a power ranking up tomorrow before they cut two dancers unless I put something up now.

Top 6:

3 Girls – Ariana, Channing and Karen

3 Guys – Nathan, Billy (except…) and Jakob

Middle 8:

4 Girls -Mollee, Noelle, Elleanor and Pauline

4 Guys – Ryan, Peter, Russell and Kevin

Bottom 6:

3 Girls – Ashleigh, Bianca (ducks all the flying objects), and Kathryn (ducking again – sorry Amanda)

3 Guys – Legacy, Phillip and Victor

I think Ashleigh and Legacy will be the ones cut. They’re my least favorite, but I think they’re the least versatile and interesting and the least liked.

My criteria? What else can I go on except for gut instinct? Well, I am also thinking of some of what I’ve read on the Internet and in the comments of this site as we’ve gotten to this point. And their performances in their own style, the judges’ reactions to them.

I predict that there are going to be a lot of re-pairings due to cuts (one dancer in a couple goes home, the other is safe). I don’t think this is going to be a season where most of the couples stay together all the way to Top 10…though the best two or three couples probably will.

I’d love to know how the couples were picked. Check out this slideshow I found that puts together the “best” and “worst” potential couples. **SPOILER ALERT** Four of their “worst” couples are dancing together tomorrow night (according to Margaret’s spoilers, which I think are probably accurate): Bianca & Victor, Ariana & Peter, Channing & Phillip and Kathryn & Legacy (Season 6’s “criers,” as they call them. But FIVE of their “best” couples are dancing together tomorrow night: Karen & Kevin, Mollee & Nathan (YES!), Noelle & Russell, Channing & Phillip and Elleanor & Ryan.

What do y’all think?