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What’s Next for Mia Michaels

I just found this interview on about Mia Michael’s upcoming plans for three t.v. shows, a book and a clothing line.

Some of the highlights:

-Mia’s watching Season 6. She was sad when Ariana got cut and says she would’ve fought to keep Ariana in (actually, she says she would’ve fought Nigel specifically on that decision).

-She talks about hurting her back and how not being able to move is like “being in jail.”

-Regarding one of her t.v. shows, she says she’s going to be the next Tyra and Heidi Klum (which one commenter didn’t like so much…)

Take a look and let us know what you think!

November 3, 2009 I Written By

Behind Mary Murphy and Her SYTYCD Favorites

Author: Anna Dimond Source: TV Guide
She’s known around the world for her laugh, but Mary Murphy’s raucous antics belie an intensity of focus and passion that’s easily missed behind her hollering. The So You Think You Can Dance judge is watching the show’s hopefuls even more closely than her twice-weekly comments may reveal, plus she’s got a few tricks up her sleeve beyond the Dance cameras. With a professional dance career behind her, a shrinking waistline thanks to her new Latin dance workout routine and a surge in her fame (or notoriety, depending on who you ask), Murphy may soon not only be calling the shots with her fellow judges, but also on movie sets, sit-coms and more…. And no, Hey, Mary is not in the works.

Speaking with, Murphy opened up Read more..

July 9, 2008 I Written By

Just call me Charlie...but where are my angels?