Mia Michaels and Other SYTYCD Choreographers Dancing

Near the beginning of So You Think You Can Dance, I read someone suggest that SYTYCD should have the various choreographers dance on the show. Ok, I think this is a great idea if we’re talking about Wade Robson, Lil C, Shane Sparks, Tice D’orio, etc. However, there are a number of choreographers that I respect and enjoy as choreographers and professionals, but I never want to see them dance. My short list for now includes: Mary Murphy, Nigel Lythgote (sp?) and more than any of the others Mia Michaels.

Take a look at the following video and see what I mean about Mia Michaels dancing.

It’s nothing personal. I’d say the same thing about myself dancing on SYTYCD. Not something that America wants to see. She’s a great choreographer and I usually like her as a judge, but I don’t want to see her dance.

Who else did I miss? Oh, I wouldn’t mind seeing Tabitha and Napoleon do a little number.